Sunday 2 March 2014

When Life Gives you Lemons, Make a Cushion.

You may remember me writing about sewing, but probably not so it's here. Anyway it didn't work as well as I had naively hoped. As I sewed the felt ribbons together they would stretch and the rug took on more of a rainbow shape then the more common rectangle rug-shape. With the addition of each ribbon the curve would get worse until I had inadvertently created something that wouldn't look out of place at a gay pride parade. So I admitted defeat and unpicked it at the point where the curve was least noticeable. I found some wool that I had lying around and made it into a rustic cushion. Very rustic*.

The end result-

For my next trick I will be doing personalised bunting and don't worry internet, there will be pictures.  
* Rustic here meaning wonky and a bit lumpy.

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