Wednesday 19 March 2014

A Kelpie on the work/ play balance.

This is Becky. 

Becky with the big brown eyes.

And the big bat ears.

She's a Kelpie, an Australian working dog. They are extremely intelligent and hard workers. Making them quite handy to the farmers of this country (just ask Miss Grey).

But Becky isn't all work.

This is Ziggy. AKA Becky's new car chasing buddy

When the people are doing things that the dogs think are boring, like working in the shed, they entertain themselves by playing
 putting their heads in things with cob webs
 and putting their heads in things while playing.
 And finally, a literal hanger on-er. Ziggy has a habit of grabbing hold of Becky's cheek and not letting go.
 Becky tolerates this for a while until a quick snap and growl tells Ziggy she's had enough. Ziggy leaves it for about 16 seconds and then goes back to it. A while later, another snap from Becky.
This is something I need to learn to do, to speak up when some thing is annoying me. Not just push it down with a light "that's ok!". From now on I'm going to try saying what I'm thinking. I'm going to try "I'm annoyed". Although for hygiene's sake I think I'll stop at biting.  

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