Tuesday 11 February 2014

Bird Life Cont.

So to pick up from where I left off, the Mickey Miner. Also known as a Yellow-Throated Miner or Dusky Miner. My field guide describes them as aggressive and dominating. From what I've seen this is very accurate.


They will gang up on anything that looks sideways at them as it flies past, all the while squawking their little lungs out. They will tail me as I walk through their range and chase other birds off their perches so they can land there seemingly just in spite. Even though they are small, they are not shy. There is a group of about 10 commanding the bush block next to the house.


And the last one for today is the Western Wattle Bird. I think. If I've got that wrong feel free to tell me. The first picture is mid-song, probably not the most flattering moment. This is one was in Esperance town not the farm so I only saw it a couple of days and didn't get the best photos. It seemed to come to this tree to sing it's song and then it moved on to do Western Wattle Bird things
else where.



I have a new lens which means I can indulge my new found (and fairly uncool) hobby of bird watching a bit more, so this will not be the last post in the area of avians.


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